The reason being food particles get stuck on the surface of the wax. If you keep the orthodontic wax for more than a day, you run the risk of bacteria and cavities in your mouth. Replace it immediately if it is coming off. It should be replaced with a new one twice a day. You can’t keep dental wax in your mouth for a long time.

The roll or ball similar to popcorn kernel is generally enough. Do this for at least 5 seconds to warm the wax. Take little amount of wax and make a roll of it.Locate the painful areas in your inner cheeks and lips where braces wires are poking.Dry your braces before the application of braces wax.This will prevent any bacterial infection. Clean your hands and brush your teeth properly.And to top it all, Dental wax comes in a very affordable range. That makes dental wax ideal braces care product for both kids and adults. Its application is simple, and it is easy to remove, as well. It can be used as a temporary treatment for mouth sores until you get to your Orthodontist. Your braces get separated from your teeth via the layer formed by the orthodontic wax. Once you apply it, it covers the braces’ piercing corners and binds any loose pieces. Dental wax makes the braces comfortable and adaptable for you during the initial stage of the treatment. If you are getting used to your braces, you will love this product. This barrier also provides extra time for your sores to heal. Thus the contact break of the braces to your mouth prevents further injury. When the wires of braces start to pinch against the soft tissues of the mouth, It is applied to create a barrier between the braces wires and your mouth.

Braces wax, also known as Orthodontic Wax or dental wax is specially designed wax to relieve pain caused by rubbing of the braces appliances.